25 great apps for university students
25 great apps for university students
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25 great apps for university students

Nowadays having a smartphone is as natural as wearing socks. However, the way we use our phones and what part of our lives they take depends on us. Every day hundreds of new apps get released by different developers. Some of the apps are just for fun, some are made to ease our lives and some of them are made to help us making it through college and university and pass them with flying colors.

Time to get out of bed and study

Being a student means you will need to wake up early almost every day, but there are a lot of things that will get in your way. For example, studying until late, finishing your paper last minute or simply partying with your fellow students. There are a lot of mobile apps ready to destroy your sweet dreams and not let you dive back in the ocean of slumbers. Some of the most popular and most used apps are:

  • Maths Alarm Clock – To turn off your alarm, you will need to actually wake up and solve some simple math problems (Not a problem for students, right? Try doing it half asleep...). The app will wake your brain and make it think. Thus, it will wake you up and not allow you to just snooze the alarm in your dream.
  • Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) – Get ready to wake up and take pictures of simple items around your room. Yes, you cannot stop the annoying alarm unless you take a picture of a chair, for example.

The best learning apps for students

Let’s dive into the world of learning apps and see what they offer and how they can be helpful.

  • Coursera – For students that want to have a university that will fit in their pocket. The app consists of 1000 courses on every topic you can think of. You will have lectures, reading assignments and videos. When you finish a course you will even receive a certificate – some courses are free, for some you will need to pay for – in any case it is worth checking it out.
  • Duolingo – Student abroad? Start learning a new language step by step with interactive games and exercises. The app is completely free! You will start from the basics and by completing each level it will be getting harder and the exercises will become more complicated. Take out your phone anywhere start the app and learn a new language.
  • Khan Academy – An app that teaches you more traditional subjects like science, math, physics, economics etc. A great application where students can exercise and revise some of the things they already learned or they can learn completely new skills in a certain subject. Definitely and app worth checking if you want to save some money on extra lessons.
  • Udemy – You want to learn how to use Photoshop? Or maybe you want to boost your speaking skills? How about improving your cooking (good to know how to prepare some cheaper meals as a student, right?)? This is the app that will help you in all these areas and more. Browse more than 65 000 courses, read reviews and start learning.
  • SoloLearn – An app developer that created many apps striving to help you learning computer programming. Learn HTML, Java, C++, Python, Java Script, PHP, C#, SQL, CSS and more… Each computer language has its own app, so install it and start learning on the bus to the university campus. You will have quizzes, you will be able to write a code in the app and test it, you will be able to share your code with friends and fellow students and you can even have coding races with peers.
  • Photomath – Yes, an app for math students. Maybe you already guessed what it is about just by reading the name – take a photo of an equation and transfer it directly to your phone. Then the app will make the calculations and give you the right answer. Moreover, it will completely explain the whole procedure and how it found out the correct answer. No more struggling with math - students can get their personal teacher on their phones.
  • Quizlet Go – Make a study set with useful documents, diagrams, pictures etc., or start using someone else’s. Just open the app and search for the topic you need, get help from some random good hearted students that already shared their study materials with everyone using this app.
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Apps to organize your time

You are an organized student; you know when and where all of your exams and tests will take place, but we are all human and we forget things. No worries, the smartphones and their apps are here to help us! There are so many apps for keeping track of tasks and time that you will need an app to include and arrange all of them:

  • Todolist – One of the very useful apps out there. What makes it different is that you can put priority on your tasks. The interface is easy to use, you can separate study tasks from normal day life tasks. You can set up recurring tasks, like paying the internet bill every month.
  • Pocket – Imagine you are browsing your phone in the break between classes and you find some really interesting stories, or some fellow student sends you a newsletter with some good promotions, but you don’t have time to read it now. Save it in Pocket – it doesn’t matter what the source is - you can save stuff to check later from everywhere: internet browser, Facebook, email, chats and more - all saved in one app.
  • Smarter Time – The best way to organize your life is to track how much time you spend on certain activities during the day. Smarter Time helps students tracking it even automatically, after it gathered enough data for their activities, of course, and on the phone sensors. The app will tell you what time you spend on social media apps and chats. In the end it will even give you suggestions how to optimise your day.
  • EverNote – As the name suggests it is a note-taking app, but it is not just that. The app can be used on all of your devices and it collaborates with other apps like Google Calendar, Google Drive, Dropbox and more. A great app for task management that can be used either only by yourself or by a group of fellow students you work together with on different study projects.
  • Exam Countdown Lite – The perfect app for students - it has only the purpose to keep track of your exams, course works or tests. Set up the day and the hour and the app will tell you how much time you have left until the important date – in minutes, days, weeks or months.

Help for your study group project?

Group projects! Who doesn’t like them? Well, like them or not, they are something you need to do, but sometimes connection with the group members can be difficult. Smartphones are here to help, once again. There is a large variety of communication apps:

  • You can use Skype and fring to have a video call with your student colleagues.
  • Create groups and give ideas on WhatsApp, Viber or Messenger.
  • Share your study materials and sources via Google Drive and Dropbox.

Apps for a better and safer student life

Enough with the study related apps. How about some apps to ease your student life and even keep you safe?

  • Circle of 6 – Safety first! Maybe you went to a party or you had some late courses - now it is dark outside, and you have to go home alone. Probably nothing will happen, but just in case you can have the Circle of 6 app on. The app connects you with 6 of your contacts and it has a default message ready to be sent to them at any time including your current location. Stay safe, students!
  • Wise Drinking – Have you ever heard of a student party where you don't drink? This very useful app will help you tracking your drinks and warns you if you are about to have one too many. Enter what you drink and the app will calculate what the safe amount is and prevent you from getting wasted. The app will track your data and you will be able to check your habit of drinking.
  • Skout – You are a new student in town, just started your Masters, but you also want to meet some fellow students with similar interests from day one. Install Skout and see who is around, chat with them, go for a beer, a walk in the park or find someone to go to a concert with.
  • 7 Minute Workout – Busy with course works and exams? No time to go to the gym? Well, you can use this simple app and train for just 7 minutes. The app will give you different exercises and tell you how many times you need to repeat. Of course, you will be able to adjust the exercises to your preferences – more sets, longer time on one exercise, a bit more resting in between, etc. If you struggle and don’t know how to execute something, in the app there are videos to show you what to do.

There is an app for everything. Go to Google Play or the Apple store, write your university name and you might be surprised to find that they have an app of their own. Students can find information about classes, facilities, campuses, maps, etc., just by using the power of the app.


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