Distance learning
Distance learning is a great solution, if you can't physically attend classes in your desired university!

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Distance learning overview

Nowadays, many universities offer distance learning courses. Distance learning gives students and young professionals the opportunity to complete a degree from home, suitable for those who do not have the possibility to follow a full-time programme .

The variety of online Masters programmes is broad. Using the opportunities of the worldwide web, virtually any university offering such programmes is at your disposal. Through various means of media, audio or visual, digital or postal, you will accomplish all courses and tasks demanded within the study. In case of any troubles, your personal mentor will offer guidance and support. Instead of conventional lecture structures, electronic distance learning creates a virtual classroom for both students and teachers in order to communicate and interact.

There are two forms of distance learning, the so-called blended learning and pure e-learning. Blended-learning is a combination of e-learning and occasional, compulsory attendance periods (e.g. one weekend per month). You will conduct a pure e-learning programme exclusively from your own computer at home visiting compulsory courses online.

Exams organisation

While you sit the exam at a convenient location, which is rarely ever the university itself, pay attention to the following procedures involved. You nominate an adjudicator (i.e. supervisor) to oversee the exam. This must be a reputable person such as a school principal, tertiary tutor/lecture or police officer.

Set a date, time and place for the exam (usually held at the adjudicator's office).The exam is sent to the adjudicator, who will then conduct the exam.On completion of the examination, the adjudicator directly sends your work to the university.

These steps are typical of how an examination takes place for students completing an under- or postgraduate degree via distance learning.

Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning


  • Flexibility: You can remain in your job and study at the same time.
  • Convenient: You can submit papers and assignments just by one click.
  • Saves money: Online courses are usually cheaper than on-campus courses and do not require the stress of moving.
  • Saves time: You can save a lot of time on commuting preserving your study energy.
  • Choices are endless: Distance learning allows you to choose from a wide variety of universities to complete your degree.


  • No direct contact: Lack of personal interaction with teachers and fellow students can be overwhelming and affect a student’s learning capabilities.
  • Technology dependence: Problems with the network or your computer can pose a huge threat to proceedings.
  • Lack of discipline: Dividing your time successfully, without the help of teachers, requires self-discipline, perseverance and self-motivation.
  • Not valued by all employers: Not all employers value a successful online degree as highly as a regular degree
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Find universities around Europe that offer Distance learning Masters

    study programmes     universities
comprehensive profile   Global Online MBA   comprehensive profile   ESMT Berlin
comprehensive profile   Business Psychology & Management online   comprehensive profile   MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule®
comprehensive profile   Logistics - International Management & Consulting MBA     zfh – Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund
comprehensive profile   Angewandte Kunststofftechnik (M.Eng.)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Elektrotechnik und Management (M.Eng.)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Trainingswissenschaft und Sporternährung     IST-Hochschule für Management
comprehensive profile   Informatik und IT-Management (M.Sc.)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Unternehmensführung (M.A.)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Handelsmanagement (M.A.)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Steuerrecht und Steuerlehre (LL.M.)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Maschinenbau und Management (M.Eng.)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Öffentliches Recht und Management (MPA)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Intelligent Enterprise Management MBA     zfh – Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund
  Stem Cells and Translational Neurology (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  International Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Data and Decision Analytics   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Data, Inequality and Society (Online Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Epidemiology (Online Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Critical Care (Online Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Imaging (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Applied Conservation Genetics with Wildlife Forensics   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Clinical Education (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Public Health (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  MBA (Online Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  MSc | DBA Double Degree Program   comprehensive profile   MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule®
  Law (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Service Management and Design (Online Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Virtual Visit   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  International Animal Health (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Future Governance (Online Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Patient Safety & Clinical Human Factors   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Global Development Challenges (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  One Health (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Global Health and Infectious Diseases (Online Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Urology (Online Distance Learning)   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  ...     ...
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