How to find your dream student housing?
How to find your dream student housing?

How to find your dream student housing?

Simply imagine this – you have just found your dream Masters course – perhaps even at one of the many MASTER AND MORE study choice events. In a nice city, of course, where you are just about to move to upon being accepted. You can now almost feel the sweet freedom of doing stuff on your own while planning delicious cooking nights and student parties together with your roommates. But hold on, are you sure that you have already taken care of everything regarding your housing? If not, or if you have previously experienced difficulties as a Bachelor, we have prepared a few tips that can help you for your next search for the best student accommodation out there – mainly on the private market!

Where can I find student housing?

Finding the ideal room is quite frankly pretty easy, as long as you have once dealt with a similar manner. The Internet, for example, can provide quick results after a more thorough accommodation research. Once you land within relevant online portals, then it is just a matter of preparing an overview of the local housing market. Seek out any offers that include pictures and more detailed information about the current residents and location. Furthermore, it is recommended to get an idea about whether specific housing is purposely given for different tenants to share or not. This is extremely important if you are interested in hosting those cooking nights and parties! In addition to online portals on the Internet, the responsible Studentenwerk for your given region can gladly arrange you a long-term stay at public student housing - as long as you are applying at a German university, that is!

You have found your wanted accommodation – so what now?

As soon as you end up loving a housing opportunity, it is best to immediately contact your potential landlord, organisation or roommates. Aim to think of a summary of how you imagine living at this location in the near future. Then it is time to wait! If you are invited for a visit after a few days be prepared for competition – that you can be the winner of!

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The very first visit

The day has come when you can finally inspect your dream housing. Do not forget to ask where you are supposed to ring – you do not want to disturb the neighbours! It is advisable that you save the phone number of a contact person in case you get lost as well. At the meeting, have a nice look at the room that you are offered together with the kitchen and bathroom that you will be using. Of course, there is no need to get distracted – you have to introduce yourself to the other residents too! Be friendly and remember to ask any questions if you are still unsure about your suitability to the surrounding environment.  

Housing casting?!

Yes, you read that right – it may well be that your wanted accommodation is “up for grabs” to one of many worthy contenders. There might be a specific challenge or game standing in your way like telling the best joke or preparing the tastiest tomato sauce! Ancient stories reveal cases where candidates even had to present their cleaning skills! Jokes aside, you should never attempt to put up with absolutely everything.

Final whistle

In all honesty, there is no guarantee that finding your dream housing, especially within the private offerings, will be a piece of cake – but in most cases, it is worth the effort. After all, you are looking to spend a year or two, or maybe even more, together with some new people who will be there for you during both good and bad times. You never know, you might be on the verge of forming lifelong friendships helping you overcome obstacles in life, home sickness or any crises during your Masters studies.

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