Master of Comparative Linguistics
MA of Comparative Linguistics is a degree of interest for language professionals in various languages.

Master of Comparative Linguistics

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Study content

The history of languages is one of the major topics at a variety of institutes, research centers and of course, universities. Mainly delivered as an interdisciplinary course, a Master of Comparative Linguistics will introduce you to a diversity of methods of language examination, as well as the sociopolitical background and context of different languages.

Written and oral communication will be an integral part of your studies. Your theoretical knowledge will be based on the comparative method, allowing you to analyze phonological and morphological systems while also identifying differences and similarities in two language families. Subjects in Syntax, Grammar and Language Development to further develop your expertise with the opportunity to contribute with research activity in a certain problematic area. 

Your Masters degree will give you the opportunity to make your own language selection. Generally, you will have to choose at least two languages. Examples include English, German, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Latin. This will expand your multilingual skills while also going through a variety of diverse cultures, values and beliefs. 

Application requirements for Masters of Comparative Lingustics

Your application procedure will begin with the presentation of your Bachelor degree in the same or similar area. In addition, any acquired language certificates will be an advantage, as well as strong writing skills which can be seen in your CV, motivation letter and other documentary. 

Job opportunities for graduates

Upon successful graduation after a four semester period of study you will be typically awarded with the academic title “Master of Arts”. Depending on your course orientation you will be either ready to conduct research on your own or pass your knowledge at a great deal of educational institutions. Government positions or a career in the media industry are also a possibility.  

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Take a look at the overview of the Masters of Comparative Linguistics:

    study programmes     universities
comprehensive profile   Linguistics and Literary Studies   comprehensive profile   University of Antwerp
  Comparative Literature   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Literary Studies: Pathway in Comparative Literature and Criticism     Goldsmiths, University of London
  Interdisciplinary Studies     University of Exeter
  Comparative Literature     University of St Andrews
  Comparative Literature     University College London
  Language Testing     Lancaster University
  Hispanic and Comparative Literature     University of Kent
  Modern Languages (Res)     Henley Business School
  French and Comparative Literature     University of Kent
  Translation Studies     Cardiff University
  Modern German and Comparative Literature     University of Kent
  German and Comparative Literature     University of St Andrews
  French and Comparative Literature (Canterbury and Paris)     University of Kent
  Comparative Literature (Research)     King's College London
  Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies     SOAS, University of London
  European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures     University of Cambridge
  Literary Media     Bournemouth University
  Korean Literature     SOAS, University of London
  Comparative Literature     King's College London
  Comparative Literature     University of Nottingham
  Comparative Literature     Birkbeck, University of London
  Comparative Literature (Africa / Asia)     SOAS, University of London
  English Literature (Res)     University of Reading
  Comparative Literature     University of Kent
  Comparative Literatures and Cultures     University of Bristol
  Comparative Literature (Canterbury and Paris)     University of Kent
  English: Contemporary Literatures     Leeds Beckett University
  Comparative Literature     Queen Mary University of London
  Comparative Literature     University of Glasgow
  Comparative Syntax and Semantics     University of York
  English, Comparative Literature or Linguistics     Goldsmiths, University of London
  Literary Studies     University of Amsterdam
  Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture     Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
  Vergelijkende moderne letterkunde     Universiteit Gent
  Interkulturelle Europastudien (IKE) mit Auslandsoption Ferrara     Universität Regensburg
  Komparatistik     Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
  Allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft     Freie Universität (FU) Berlin
  Allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft     Universität des Saarlandes
  Lingue e letterature europee ed extraeuropee     Università degli Studi di Milano
  ...     ...

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