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The Master of Demography or population studies focuses on the aging phenomenon we are experiencing in Europe. The inter-linkage between aging and society at large becomes obvious when having a closer look at Europe. Some scientists estimate that in a worst case scenario Europe’s population may decrease to less than 100 million people in 2030. Partly, this can be explained by low birth rates and an ever-more aging society. Nevertheless, societal processes such as migration and repatriation each play a role, too.
In order to analyze and comprehend the most renounced demographic theories, social research methodology is an important part of your curriculum. You deepen your knowledge in quantitative and qualitative research techniques, conducting practical studies regularly. Moreover, you deal with broad social theories such as migration, integration, micro-, maso- and macrosociology in order to comprehend the problems and conflicts deriving from aging.
Following a two-year study period, your Masters degree in Demography opens up a variety of career opportunities. For instance, you may head into a profession as scientist, researcher or lecturer. Moreover, demographers work in political institutes such as the Home Office, Department of Health or for Work and Pensions. You may also pursue a career in journalism or media or communication.
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