Master of East Asian Studies
Become an expert in the culture, religion and history of East Asia!

Master of East Asian Studies

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East Asian focus in the Masters course

In an average of four semesters, the Master of East Asian Studies combines theories and analytical tools from politics, economics, and cultural studies. You cope with the different approaches of East Asian foreign affairs and security policies, governments and diplomacy, economic systems or certain cultural aspects. While you do not pursue an academic qualification in one discipline, you learn to regard the greater context of East Asian societies in the different sectors. Some universities emphasize particular countries, such as China or Japan, others allow for your own individual choice as a study focus.

Moreover, each Master of East Asian Studies contains language courses which you can often choose yourself. The assortment ranges from Chinese, Japanese, or Hindu to Korean. By choosing one particular language, you can individualise your study to a certain degree.

Masters careers in or associated with East Asia

As an admission criterion, you need to have accomplished an undergraduate degree in economics, politics or cultural studies. Your undergraduate qualification, therefore, plays a role in your range of career prospects, once you have accomplished the Master of East Asian Studies. If your individual focus is economically-oriented, your career opportunities lie in consultancies, international marketing, international management or sales. If your interests lie in the political sphere, you may well find your future job in an international organisations, government departments or diplomatic institutes. A cultural focus in your undergraduate and postgraduate path generates most job opportunities. However, cultural institutes, departments or even museums represent alternate perspectives. Independent of your study focus, you can opt for a career in the research sector, as a researcher, teacher or academic professional.

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These universities offer attractive Masters courses in East Asian Studies:

    study programmes     universities
  East Asian Relations   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  East Asian Studies     University of Leeds
  East Asian Business     University of Sheffield
  Contemporary Japan     University of Sheffield
  Traditional East Asia     University of Oxford
  Anthropological Research Methods and Nepali     SOAS, University of London
  International Relations (East Asia)     Durham University
  Environment, Politics and Development     SOAS, University of London
  East Asian Cultures and Societies     University of Leeds
  Buddhist Studies     SOAS, University of London
  History of Art and Archaeology of East Asia     SOAS, University of London
  Korean Studies     SOAS, University of London
  East Asian Development and the Global Economy     University of Bristol
  Economics     SOAS, University of London
  Pacific Asian Studies     SOAS, University of London
  East Asian Cultures and Societies (Language Pathway)     University of Leeds
  Art and Archaeology of East Asia and Intensive Language     SOAS, University of London
  Taiwan Studies     SOAS, University of London
  Contemporary China     University of Sheffield
  Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens (East Asian Art History)     Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
  Langue, littérature et civilisation japonaises     Université de Genève
  Modern East Asian Studies     Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  Chinese Studies     Pompeu Fabra University
  Asia Pacific Studies     Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
  East Asian Economy and Society     Universität Wien
  Politik und Gesellschaft Ostasiens     Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  Kunstgeschichte im globalen Kontext mit dem Studienschwerpunkt Ostasien     Freie Universität (FU) Berlin
  Filologia wietnamska     Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  Politik Ostasiens     Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  Filologia indonezyjsko- malajska     Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  Studia wschodnie     Uniwersytet Warszawski
  Languages and Cultures of Ancient and Modern East     University of Florence
  East Asian Studies     Leiden University
  Eurasian Studies     Middle East Technical University (METU)
  Wirtschaft Ostasiens     Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  Ostasienwissenschaft / Moderne Sinologie     Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  Arts (Japanese)     University of Canterbury
  Kultur und Gesellschaft des modernen Südasien     Universität Wien
  Imperien und Transkontinentale Räume     Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - FAU
  Filologia koreańska     Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  ...     ...

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