Master of European History
Enrich your knowledge of Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Modern history of Europe!

Master of European History

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Course description

The European community gradually interconnects ever more closely. The meaning of nationality loses its appeal and European politics gains in complexity. In order to comprehend these developments and to scientifically grasp them, the analysis of the wider European historic context is necessary.

In your Masters programme in European History, you do not only focus on European integration but on the historic emergence of today’s Europe. You deal with ancient Europe, the medieval times, renaissance and modern history alike. Parted into historically fundamental sequences, you analyse ethnic belongings, religious groupings and transnational relations. With a deep background knowledge, the Master of European History allows you to comprehend the European Union of today.

As this Masters programme focuses on Europe, most universities offer their students the opportunity to go abroad for a semester or two. The average duration of the entire programme is four semesters. Hence, your time abroad allows for an individual focus as well as an opportunity to develop your personal skills. Contact the university of your choice early on and inform yourself whether or not a study abroad is possible or even compulsory.

Career prospects throughout Europe

The Masters degree in European History opens up various job opportunities. Cultural institutes, museums, education institutions, R&D or politics, the broadness of your academic knowledge and your individual skills should guarantee you a position in a professional sector of your interest.

Hier steht Text

Your Master of European History is offered by these universities:

    study programmes     universities
  Europäische Geschichte   comprehensive profile   Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
  Late Antique and Byzantine Studies     Cardiff University
  Modern History     Aberystwyth University
  History     Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University
  History     University of Sussex
  History     Queen Mary University of London
  European History     Newcastle University
  History     Plymouth University
  Medieval Britain and European History     Aberystwyth University
  History (Res.)     Plymouth University
  Modern European History     Aberystwyth University
  Colonial and Postcolonial Studies     University of Birmingham
  European History     Birkbeck, University of London
  Modern European History     University of Cambridge
  Eighteenth-Century Studies     University of Sheffield
  History     University of Reading
  International History     Aberystwyth University
  Medieval Studies     University of Manchester
  Modern European History     University of Sussex
  Neuere deutsche Literatur im medienkulturellen Kontext     FernUniversität in Hagen
  History     Radboud University
  Area Studies     Univerzita Karlova
  Schutz Europäischer Kulturgüter     Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
  European History     Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  Cultuurgeschiedenis van modern Europa     Utrecht University
  Geschichtswissenschaften in europäischer Perspektive     Universität des Saarlandes
  Europäische Geschichte     Universität Basel
  Oral History and Contemporary History     Univerzita Karlova
  Europe 1000-1800     Leiden University
  European History and Civilisation     Leiden University
  Moderne Europäische Geschichte     Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte     Philipps-Universität Marburg
  History     National University
  OstEuropastudien     Universität Konstanz
  Histoire Européenne Contemporaine     Université du Luxembourg
  Geschichte Europas - Epochen, Umbrüche, Verflechtungen     FernUniversität in Hagen
  Europäische Kulturgeschichte     Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
  European History     University College Dublin
  History, Economics and Philosophy of Science     Universität Bielefeld
  Anthropology and European History     Ovidius University of Constanta
  ...     ...

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