Master of Event Management
Upgrade your organisational talent & make a career from your hobby with a Master's of Event Management!

Master of Event Management

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You have a talent in organizing many different activities and people? You like racing against time while working in a dynamic environment? If so, then a Master degree in Event Management is the right study for you!

In general, the field of Event Management involves the planning, organization and realization of a variety of:

  • Trade Fairs
  • Business /Educational/ Sport Events
  • Conferences
  • Concerts 
  • Formal Parties and Ceremonies

This is no easy task, as you will need a lot of knowledge for the specific area you are dealing with. For example, a sporting event would require looking for sponsors and setting up good conditions for the athletes. As for a concert, however, the most important factor would be preparing the best atmosphere for the fans – everything from audio quality to catering. 

Indeed, as an Event Manager you will have a lot of responsibilities and a tight schedule. Regardless, you will constantly find yourself around new people, countries and project opportunities. Don’t be shy, as you will always be in the center of attention!

Admission requirements for a Master's of Event Management

Most universities would require a successfully completed Bachelor degree in the areas of Business and Economics. As a result, you will be expected to have gone through subjects like Marketing, Finance, Accounting and Human Resources Management. Good language skills, especially in English, would also be appreciated, as well as job experience and a good CV. For more and specific information please contact your desired university. 

Career opportunities

As an Event Manager you can find employment at a great deal of industries. Modern companies and their independent Event departments are ready to meet young, enthusiastic and open-minded experts and specialists who are ready for a promising career. However, it is also possible to work as a self-employed manager on his way to building a good reputation and excellent background.  

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Study Event Management at the following universities:

    study programmes     universities
comprehensive profile   Kreatives Management     Hochschule Ansbach
  Master Sports Business and Communication   comprehensive profile   Munich Business School
  Tourism Marketing     Edinburgh Napier University
  International Events Management     Liverpool John Moores University
  International Events Management     Oxford Brookes University
  Events Management     Bournemouth University
  Events Management     University of Wales Trinity Saint David
  International Events Management     Glasgow Caledonian University
  International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management     London College of Contemporary Arts
  Events Management     University of Lincoln
  International Events Management     Leeds Beckett University
  International Events Management     University of Salford
  International Festival and Event Management     Edinburgh Napier University
  Financial Management     University of Wales Trinity Saint David
  International Events Management     University of Greenwich
  International Events and Conference Management     Sheffield Hallam University
  Events Marketing     Bournemouth University
  Organisational Resilience     Buckinghamshire New University
  Sports Events Management     Leeds Beckett University
  International Tourism and Hospitality Management     Robert Gordon University
  Tourism and Events     The University of Sunderland
  Events Management     University of Derby
  Events Project Management     Cardiff Metropolitan University
  Fundraising and Special Event Management     University of West London
  International Hospitality, Events and Tourism Management     Oxford Brookes University
  Event, Festival and Exhibition Management     Birmingham City University
  Marketing with Festival and Event Management     Edinburgh Napier University
  Marketing Management for Events, Hospitality and Tourism     University College Birmingham
  International Events Management     University of the West of Scotland
  Events Management     Leeds Beckett University
  Events and Experience Management     Goldsmiths, University of London
  Cultural Events Management     De Montfort University
  International Events Marketing     Oxford Brookes University
  MBA Events Leadership and Management     University of Cumbria
  Business Event Management     Edinburgh Napier University
  Tourism and Events Management     University of Bedfordshire
  Security and Safety Management     Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
  Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Digital Business     Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg
  Communication, Publicité, Relations publiques et Evénementiel     Ipag Business School
  Internationales Sportmarketing (MBA)     Bodensee Campus
  ...     ...

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