Master of Horticulture
You like growing plants? For food or ornamental, Horticulture is the right choice!

Master of Horticulture

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The center of the Masters programme is Horticultural Sciences. During your studies, you will have confrontation of technological problems that arise in agriculture. In practical tasks and different work placements you will learn how to solve these problems. In addition, you treat the different perspectives of the horticultural production.

In order to be admitted to the Master of Horticulture, you need a Bachelors degree or an equivalent university degree. Sometimes, you have the opportunity to combine a Master of Horticulture with Teaching degree. The combination with the teaching degree is ideal, if you want to became a teacher in the fields of Horticulture and Agriculture.

Your subsequent academic title depends on the focus of your studies: In general, you will receive the title of Master of Science, in some cases, Master of Arts or Master of Engineering are also given.

Job prospects with a Masters in Horticulture

If you decide to choose a Master of Horticulture in combination with Teaching, you have the option to work as a teacher in relating fields of Horticulture. Further, you have job prospects in the following areas:

  • Production horticulture
  • Research and teaching
  • Technical management
  • Public service
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Universities that offer a Master of Horticulture:

    study programmes     universities
  Landschaftsökologie   comprehensive profile   Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
  Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Plant Diversity     University of Reading
  Conservation and International Wildlife Trade     University of Kent
  Professional Practice in Chinese Herbal Medicine     Middlesex University London
  Wildlife Biology and Conservation     Edinburgh Napier University
  Molecular Plant Biology and Biotechnology     Imperial College London
  Sustainable Horticulture and Food Production     Plymouth University
  Molecular Plant Sciences (MRes)     University of Bath
  Garden History     The University of Buckingham
  Plant Genetics and Crop Improvement     University of East Anglia
  Biology including Aerobiology, Animal Biology and Plant Biology (Research)     University of Worcester
  Plant and Crop Sciences     University of Nottingham
  Plant Science and Biotechnology     University of Leeds
  Plant Conservation     Bangor University
  Plant Sciences     Lancaster University
  Plant and Fungal Taxonomy Diversity and Conservation     Queen Mary University of London
  Biological Science (Plant Sciences)     University of Cambridge
  Plant and Microbial Biology     University of Sheffield
  Plant Chemical Biology: Multidisciplinary Research for Next Generation Agri-Sciences     Imperial College London
  Plant and Microbial Biology (Research)     University of Sheffield
  Ethnobotany     University of Kent
  Plant Sciences     University of Manchester
  Crop Improvement     University of Nottingham
  Food Security     University of Glasgow
  Sustainable Crop Production: Agronomy for the 21st Century     University of Warwick
  Molecular Plant Sciences     University of Bath
  Medycyna Roślin     Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
  Plant Breeding, Seed Science and Technology     Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
  Botanik     Universität Innsbruck
  Ogrodnictwo     Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
  Plant Breeding (Online)     Wageningen University and Research
  Forestry     Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
  Plant Science     King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  Pflanzenbiotechnologie     Leibniz Universität Hannover
  Horticultural Sciences     Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU)
  Scienze Viticole ed Enologiche     Università degli Studi di Milano
  Pflanzenproduktion und Umwelt     Universität Rostock
  Prozess- und Qualitätsmanagement Landwirtschaft & Gartenbau     Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  Horticultural Science (Joint)     Freie Universität Bozen
  ...     ...

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