Master of Human Rights
As Master of Human Rights you will legally defend people from terrorism, discrimination and other crimes.

Master of Human Rights

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Study contents and key aspects

The terms terrorism and international conflict are always at the centre of security policy discussions. International law and human rights make up a large share of these debates. Is it legitimate and legally acceptable to respond to a terrorist attack by sending in troops? Which human rights do you have to protect in particular? Any international conflict affects and involves at least two parties, thus more than one perspective needs to be taken into account when finding a solution. Within your Master of Human Rights you analyse these and many more controversies. 

The Master of Human Rights teaches you to use the law to protect any individual and is the cornerstone for our democratic societies. To grasp the complexity of human rights, the programme is set up in an interdisciplinary fashion. While dealing with judicial subjects, you constantly analyse political foundations and institutional set-ups of any given state. 

Your seminars may include topics such as social, cultural or civil law, discrimination, asylum politics or women’s rights. Depending on your individual focus, you may also have the possibility of qualifying to take up a profession in (international) criminal law. 
The admission criteria of the two-year Master of Human Rights require an undergraduate degree.

Job Opportunities with this Master 

A deep understanding for human rights and international conflicts opens up interesting, international job prospects. You can defend victims of any human rights violations in international organizations or NGOs. Other careers are possible in political institutions, media agencies or academic research. Whatever it is, a Masters degree will help you in reaching your career goals.

Hier steht Text

A Masters programme in Human Rights is offered by these institutions:

    study programmes     universities
  Human Rights   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  Development and Rights     Goldsmiths, University of London
  Human Rights     University of Roehampton
  Human Rights - Political Science     University of Manchester
  Human Rights Law     University of Nottingham
  Social Justice and Education     University College London
  International Human Rights Law     Oxford Brookes University
  International Justice and Human Rights Law     Edge Hill University
  International Security     University of Dundee
  Globalisation and Development     SOAS, University of London
  Law (Specialism Human Rights Law)     University of Kent
  Human Rights     University of Aberdeen
  Climate Change and Human Rights     Aberystwyth University
  Human Rights and Cultural Diversity     University of Essex
  South Asian Law     SOAS, University of London
  Human Rights and Development     Aberystwyth University
  Security Studies     University College London
  International Human Rights Law and Development     University of Bradford
  Human Rights     Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University
  Criminal Justice     Queen Mary University of London
  International Law - specialising in International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law     Bangor University
  International Law and Global Justice     University of Sheffield
  International Criminal Justice & Human Rights     University of Dundee
  Violence, Conflict & Development     SOAS, University of London
  International and Comparative Legal Studies (General Programme)     SOAS, University of London
  Human Rights     Nottingham Law School
  Political Theory     University of Sheffield
  Human Rights and International Relations     University of Roehampton
  Human Rights     London School of Economics and Political Science
  Rights, Gender and International Law     Aberystwyth University
  Erasmus Mundus Human Rights Policy and Practice     University of Roehampton
  Holocaust and Genocide     University of Birmingham
  Human Rights, Culture and Social Justice     Goldsmiths, University of London
  Comparative Political Thought     SOAS, University of London
  Refugee Care     University of Essex
  Terrorism, Policing and Security (Distance Learning)     London Metropolitan University
  Human Rights, Conflict and Justice     SOAS, University of London
  Counter-Terrorism Studies (Distance Learning)     London Metropolitan University
  International Environmental Law     University of Hull
  International Trade Law     University of Essex
  ...     ...

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