Master of Music Therapy
Helping people through the power of music? Music Therapy comprehends both music and psychology.

Master of Music Therapy

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Therapeutical meaning of music – Masters course content

Music therapy uses music interventions for therapeutical aims and ends. That is, music in all its facets is used to receive an inter- or intrapersonal improvement in a person that requires urgent psychological or physiological support. The musical means that are used can be instrumental, vocal, spiritual or emotional. The Masters programme in Music Therapy teaches you how to best apply which means to an end.

Courses that belong to your curriculum are songwriting, composing, cognitive techniques, music interpretation, dancing, performing arts, and instrumental music. This is why the Master of Music Therapy is both an art and a science.

As well as learning the content of your future work, the music, you will also be taught how to bring somebody to the music. Besides the pedagogic courses which will accompany you, there is a strong emphasis on the psychology of the humans and how music influences the life. 

Entry requirements to your Music Therapy degree

As the Master of Music Therapy combines multiple academic disciplines (pedagogy, psychology, music), your preceding Bachelors degree must lie in a related field of study. Some universities require an undergraduate degree in Psychology, Psychiatry, Therapy or Pedagogy.

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These universities and colleges qualify you as a Master of Music Therapy:

    study programmes     universities
  Music Therapy     Queen Margaret University
  Art History & Visual Culture     Richmond, The American International University in London
  Dramatherapy (MPhil)     Anglia Ruskin University
  Music Therapy (MPhil)     Anglia Ruskin University
  Psychodrama (Top-Up)     Anglia Ruskin University
  Music Therapy     Anglia Ruskin University
  Creative Arts and Mental Health     Queen Mary University of London
  Dance Movement Psychotherapy     Goldsmiths, University of London
  Dance Movement Psychotherapy     Edge Hill University
  Art Psychotherapy     Goldsmiths, University of London
  Music Therapy     University of South Wales
  Dance Therapy     University of Worcester
  Art Therapy     University of Hertfordshire
  Art Psychotherapy     University of South Wales
  Dance Movement Psychotherapy     University of Derby
  Art Psychotherapy (MPhil)     Goldsmiths, University of London
  Dramatherapy     Anglia Ruskin University
  Play Therapy     Queen Margaret University
  Art Therapy     University of Derby
  Music Therapy     University of Roehampton
  Arts Practice (Art, Health and Wellbeing)     University of South Wales
  Dramatherapy     University of Derby
  Play Therapy     University of South Wales
  Art Therapy     University of Chester
  Music Therapy     The University of Melbourne
  Musiktherapie für Empowerment und Inklusion     Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS)
  Artistic Psycho-Social Practices and Psychodrama     New Bulgarian University
  Musiktherapie (nicht konsekutiv)     SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
  Musiktherapie     IMC Krems
  Narrative Therapy and Community Work     The University of Melbourne
  Edukacja wczesnoszkolna z arteterapią     Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  Kunsttherapie     Weißensee-Kunsthochschule Berlin
  Musiktherapie     Universität Augsburg
  Musiktherapie     Universität der Künste (UdK) Berlin
  Klinische Musiktherapie     Universität Münster
  Kunsttherapie     Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen
  Music Therapy     Victoria University of Wellington
  MSc Integrative Therapie     AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education GmbH
  Intermediale Kunsttherapie     MSH Medical School Hamburg
  Musiktherapie (konsekuiv)     SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
  ...     ...

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