Master of Social Policy
Became an expert in sociology, politics and economics considering underprivileged humans.

Master of Social Policy

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Study contents of the Masters course

The Master of Social Policy qualifies you as an expert of social management and social politics. You learn how social and welfare states have emerged, how an ever-more globalising world challenges the concept of state-indicted welfare, how the pursuit of prosperity and ever-more growth leaves behind an ever-growing group of underprivileged. In order to grasp these ideas and conduct sound analyses, you use an interdisciplinary approach. Sociology, politics, and economics serve as academic disciplines just as much as health management, law and (social) psychology.

Postgraduate career opportunities associated with Social Policies

In one to two years, you will accomplish a Masters study that entitles you with a Master of Arts and qualifies you for professions in the social branch. The demographic change, a more stressful environment and a global epidemic of belt-tightening measures requires far-reaching and extensive social policies. Thus, these professions call for experts as you will become one:

  • social institutions
  • public administration
  • departments for migration and integration
  • social counseling
  • nursing homes
  • schools and kindergartens, nurseries
  • charitable associations
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These European education facilities offer a Master of Social Policy:

    study programmes     universities
comprehensive profile   Political Science   comprehensive profile   University of Antwerp
comprehensive profile   Soziale Arbeit, Sozialpolitik & -management   comprehensive profile   MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule®
  International Social Welfare and Social Policy     Anglia Ruskin University
  Sociology and Social Policy     University of Southampton
  Health and Society: Social Epidemiology     University College London
  Social and Public Policy     University of York
  Social and Public Policy     University of Leeds
  Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation     University of Oxford
  Health Economics, Policy and Management (Executive Master)     London School of Economics and Political Science
  Social Policy     University of Kent
  Education (Leadership and Policy)     University of Bristol
  Poverty Reduction: Policy and Practice     SOAS, University of London
  Poverty and Development     University of Sussex
  Health And Social Care     Staffordshire University
  Personal Social Services     University of Kent
  Science, Society and Development     University of Sussex
  Social Research Methods     Durham University
  Social Science Research Methods (Social Policy)     Cardiff University
  International Education and Development     University of Sussex
  Policy Research     University of Bristol
  Social Policy     Liverpool Hope University
  Social Policy and Social Research     University College London
  Social Research (Social Policy)     University of Birmingham
  Social Science Research (Social Policy)     Loughborough University
  International Social Development     University of East Anglia
  Sociology and Social Policy     University of Liverpool
  Social and Public Policy     Cardiff University
  Comparative Applied Social and Public Policy, Evaluation and Research     University of York
  Health Services Research     Keele University
  Social Research and Social Policy     Bangor University
  Health Policy and Governance     Keele University
  Sociology, Social Policy and Crime     University of Bradford
  International Social Change and Policy     University of Sheffield
  Contemporary History and Politics     Birkbeck, University of London
  Social Policy     London School of Economics and Political Science
  Dialogue Studies     Keele University
  Social and Political Theory     Birkbeck, University of London
  International Social Work     Bangor University
  Social Science Research (Social Policy and Social Work)     University of Nottingham
  ...     ...

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