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The fast moving dynamics of our postmodern society do not only bring positive consequences. The pursuit of prosperity, wealth and happiness often also results in an anonymity, competition and despair. Especially the poorer members of a community face the risk and social setbacks that are a byproduct of our strive for progress and prosperity. This is why social work, as a field of profession and as an academic discipline is more necessary than ever.
The Master of Social Work is conceived as a preparation for a career as a social worker. Thus, balanced portions of theoretical discussion and a deepening of your practical skills fit into your curriculum. You learn to fully comprehend social correlations, conflicts and inter-connectedness. In order to so, you participate in seminars such as diagnosis, social research, communication, leadership, social policy and law, counseling and drug prevention.
Most universities also allow for an individual specialisation, for instance, in counselling of children and adolescents, counselling and attendance of drug addicted, prevention of addiction, counselling of psychological disordered individuals or early childhood development.
With a Master of Social Work you support those people that require guidance, relief or simply a person to rely on. You may fulfill this task by working in research centres, nurseries, helpdesks and counselling offices, in schools or political departments. The professional tasks contain the face-to-face and personal counselling as well as social-political engagement.
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