Master of Vocal Music
Singing always has to be combined with knowledge. Master of Vocal Music will show you the path.

Master of Vocal Music

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Study content of the Masters

In your Master of Vocal Music you will have to decide, whether you want to teach vocals, or become a practical singer. While the former degree course includes seminars and lectures in pedagogy, teaching, didactics, and learning theory, the latter leaves more room for your personal interests in different music genres. Choose between folklore music, contemporary music, musical chants, pop, jazz or classics.

Further contents that belong to your curriculum in either programme are performance, the marketing of yourself, and how to best sell yourself in front of audiences. Some universities include opera chanting in the Master of Vocal Music; however, not all of them.

Vocal career opportunities with your Masters

The Masters degree in Vocal Music opens up a career in concerts, opera, choirs, vocal teaching, teaching of music, and academics in the relevant field of interest. Naturally, your individual career depends on your personal interests, your experience, and your study choice. In any way, a Master of Chant gives you a variety of job prospects.

Admission criteria and application procedures

Your Master of Music in Vocal Music will be entitled to you, if you successfully complete an average of two study years. However, how can you get a spot at a university, offering this postgraduate course? Certainly, you have to hold an undergraduate degree (Bachelors or equivalent) in the fine arts, preferably in a subject related to music. Moreover, most universities use a system of personal interviewing and may even request professional or practical experience or another preceding vocal degree. Choose a university from below and contact them directly to learn about their application process.

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Pick one of the universities below to follow your Masters course in Vocal Music:

    study programmes     universities
  Making Performance     Edge Hill University
  Popular Music Performance     University of West London
  Historically Informed Performance Practice     University of Glasgow
  Vocal Music     University of Aberdeen
  Professional Voice Practice     Birmingham City University
  Music (Performance)     University of Oxford
  Advanced Vocal Studies     University of Wales Trinity Saint David
  Performance     Bangor University
  Performance     University of Leeds
  Vocal Performance     Birmingham City University
  Music Performance     University of Nottingham
  Performance Practices     De Montfort University
  Performance     Bath Spa University
  Musiktheater - Oper     Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Graz
  Lied und Oratorium     Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
  Alte Musik     Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (HfMDK) Stuttgart
  Populäre Musik     Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen
  Gesang und Gesangspädagogik     Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
  Musical Arts     University of Macedonia
  Popular Music     Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
  Klavierkammermusik, Vokalbegleitung, Korrepetition     Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Oberösterreich
  Gesang / Oper     Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover
  Singen mit Kindern     Hochschule für Musik (HfM) Detmold
  Gesang     Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf
  Music Performance     Berner Fachhochschule
  Ritual Chant and Song     University of Limerick
  Musikwissenschaft     Hochschule für Musik und Theater (HMT) Rostock
  Zang - Klassiek     University of the Arts, The Hague
  Instrumental- und Gesangspädagogik     Hochschule für Musik (HfM) Detmold
  Instrumental- und Gesangspädagogik     Hochschule für Kunst (HFK) Bremen
  Chordirigieren     Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar
  Instrumental Gesangs Pädagogik - Klassik     Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Graz
  Lied/Oratorium/Konzert     Universität der Künste (UdK) Berlin
  Gesang | Musiktheater (M.Mus.)     Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen
  Improvisierter Gesang     Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar
  Master of Music     HKU University of the Arts Utrecht
  Zang - Oude Muziek     University of the Arts, The Hague
  Gesang     Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin
  Music performance     New Bulgarian University
  Liedgestaltung Gesang     Hochschule für Musik (HfM) Karlsruhe
  ...     ...

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