MBA Degrees
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Master of Business Administration

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What does MBA mean?

Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a postgraduate degree, which originates from the beginning of the twentieth century. This type of Master’s degree refers to all areas of business and management, such as human resources, marketing, finance, accounting, project management. MBA is suitable for people, who already have some relevant work experience in the business area. For that reason the average age of the MBA students is higher than the one for other Master programmes. 

Duration of the MBA degree

A regular full-time MBA programme usually lasts two years. Though, there are many variations and possibilities to study MBA while working and the duration depends on them as well as on the institution’s requirements. Such are modular MBA, blended learning, executive MBA (EMBA), part-time MBA, distance learning.


There are specific admission requirements for MBA, which are different from one university to another. Examples for such are:

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Undergraduate Grades

Significant work experience



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If you are pursuing a managerial or business career, than MBA is the right choice! See the list with MBA programs in prestigious universities in Europa and overseas!

    study programmes     universities
comprehensive profile   Full-time MBA   comprehensive profile   ESMT Berlin
comprehensive profile   Master Digital- und Medienmanagement (MBA, Vollzeit)   comprehensive profile   Hamburg Media School
comprehensive profile   Global Online MBA   comprehensive profile   ESMT Berlin
comprehensive profile   Executive MBA   comprehensive profile   ESMT Berlin
comprehensive profile   Master Digital- und Medienmanagement (EMBA, berufsbegleitend)   comprehensive profile   Hamburg Media School
comprehensive profile   Part-time MBA   comprehensive profile   ESMT Berlin
comprehensive profile   Intelligent Enterprise Management MBA     zfh – Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund
comprehensive profile   MBA Leadership & Supply Chain Management     Kühne Logistics University (KLU)
comprehensive profile   Logistics - International Management & Consulting MBA     zfh – Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund
comprehensive profile   Unternehmensführung (M.A.)     Hochschule Schmalkalden
comprehensive profile   Zukunftstrends und Nachhaltiges Management (MBA)     Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen
comprehensive profile   Kreatives Management     Hochschule Ansbach
  Strategisches Marketing   comprehensive profile   Fachhochschule Graubünden (FHGR)
  General Management   comprehensive profile   Fachhochschule Graubünden (FHGR)
  Modulair Executive MBA   comprehensive profile   Nyenrode Business Universiteit
  Executive MBA   comprehensive profile   Nyenrode Business Universiteit
  MBA   comprehensive profile   Nyenrode Business Universiteit
  Executive MBA - für Generalstabsoffiziere   comprehensive profile   Fachhochschule Graubünden (FHGR)
  New Business Development   comprehensive profile   Fachhochschule Graubünden (FHGR)
  MBA General Management   comprehensive profile   MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule®
  Executive MBA für Absolventen des Führungslehrgangs II   comprehensive profile   Fachhochschule Graubünden (FHGR)
  MSc | DBA Double Degree Program   comprehensive profile   MCI | Die Unternehmerische Hochschule®
  Innovationsmanagement und Entrepreneurship (berufsbegleitender MBA)   comprehensive profile   Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
  Bildungsmanagement und Wissenschaftsmanagement (MBA)   comprehensive profile   Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
  Executive MBA   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  MBA   comprehensive profile   University of Edinburgh
  MBA Management of Financial Institutions   comprehensive profile   Hochschule für Finanzwirtschaft & Management
  MBA General Management   comprehensive profile   Munich Business School
  Global Development and Comparative Law MBA     Coventry University London
  Accounting and Finance     University of Bedfordshire
  Business Administration (Healthcare)     University of Bedfordshire
  Weekend MBA     Imperial College London
  Executive MBA (Part-time)     Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University
  Full Time MBA     Newcastle University Business School
  Master of Business Administration (MBA) Energie- und Umweltmanagement     KMU Akademie & Management AG
  Master of Business Administration (HRM)     The University of Sunderland
  Master of Business Administration (MBA) Versicherungsmanagement     KMU Akademie & Management AG
  MBA Educational Management and Leadership     University of Cumbria
  MBA Spirits Marketing & Management     INSIGNIS Business School - Groupe INSEEC
  ...     ...
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