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Brexit and higher education

Brexit and higher education

Sebastian Horndasch, a higher education expert and author of the book „Master nach Plan“ (available in German) has studied in the UK and graduated a Master's in Economic Policy Analysis at the University of Nottingham. He moderated a panel discussion about Brexit at the Masters fair in Düsseldorf. In the following interview we have asked him about his own student experience and the current situation in the UK.

1. You have successfully obtained your Master’s degree in Great Britain, however before the Brexit. Did you feel welcome at the university as an international student?


Good British universities are totally international; students come from all around the world. At that time, I immediately felt welcome. The very well developed student’s culture helped a lot; there are “societies” for every possible accomplishment. Societies for hiking, theatre, singing, and all types of sport are very common at British universities. And this way students gain a social environment quite quickly.


2. What did you like the most about your studies in the UK?


Besides the mentioned internationality, I really appreciated the high level of the British education. I have learned a lot during my studies. That was a great experience.


3.Would you choose the UK for your Master’s degree today (if yes, why)?


Yes, I would. British universities offer internationality, neat study programmes and outstanding support. The tuition fees, especially in England, are very high, but there are plenty of possibilities for scholarships.


4.What are the greatest fears and doubts of the international students, who may consider applying for a Masters in the UK in the following years?


Brexit definitely brings uncertainty – even though I am optimistic, that there will be a good solution for the relations between EU and the UK. The British government has already guaranteed that there won’t be any changes for students who have already started their studies by the time of the actual Brexit. Currently, there shouldn’t be any problems for the EU students, who want to study in the United Kingdom. However, it is not sure if EU members would still have the possibility to work easily in Great Britain in the near future. Besides, there are reasonable fears that the economical collaborations between the UK and the other EU countries could suffer.

Although, it is clear that the UK still offers great Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes at top universities. And the Brexit won’t change that.


More information on Brexit

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