Materials Science and Engineering
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - FAU
The key to developing modern technologies is knowing the relationship between the manufacture, structure and properties of materials. You will learn this during the master degree program Material Science and Engineering (MSE) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Materials scientists are interdisciplinary trained specialists who are just as familiar with the basic principles of the natural sciences as with the aspects of engineering that are relevant to them. Their fields of work are just as varied as the methods with which they are working.
The 4 semester master’s program comprises of fourteen modules including a scientific project, soft skills and the 6-month master’s thesis. In the master’s program, the choice of three core subjects ensures both depth and breadth of subject.
The subject-specific profile of the field of study is determined by choosing a major subject (1st core subject) with a workload of at least 25 ECTS. In order to achieve a broad materials science education, an additional two minor subjects are to be selected from nine core subjects offered. The 2nd and 3rd core subjects comprise of at least 15 ECTS each.
The following core subjects can be selected:
At the same time, the students are encouraged to look beyond the horizon: They can choose two electives from the entire master’s course catalogue of the School of Engineerung, which allows them to acquire a broad technical-scientific education. The progam is supplemented by an academic project, soft skills such as presentation techniques and excursions as well as the final master's thesis in one of the three core subjects. The program concludes with the master’s thesis and a subsequent oral presentation. Type and duration of the exams as well as the study plan can be found in the examination regulations.
Accordingly, FAU trains specialists who are able to familiarize themselves quickly and efficiently with new subject areas thanks to their solid basic knowledge.
Materials scientists from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg have many interesting career opportunities for example in research and development, product management, technical sales and in management positions. Important industrial sectors include the automotive and aviation industry, energy and environmental technology, mechanical and plant engineering, chemical industry, microelectronics, medical technology, and environmental protection.
Master study program at the FAU (starting in winter term 2022/23)
More information on this programme? Visit the website!
Susanne Michler: 09131-85-27745
Rebecca Schuster: 09131-85-20954
More information on this programme? Visit the website!
More information on this programme? Visit the website!
More information on this programme? Visit the website!
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - FAU
T | +49 9131 85-20230 | |
E | |
Master of Science
72 EUR
Duration of study: 4 semesters
Tuition fees EU: no tuition fees
Tuition fees Non EU: no information
Master of Science
72 EUR
Duration of study: 4 semesters
Tuition fees EU: no tuition fees
Tuition fees Non EU: no information
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